The report data is only a link to a portal generated from the SAP BI system, and this link is made available as part of the body of the presentation data. 报告数据仅仅为从SAPBI系统到门户的链接,并且这个链接可以作为演示数据体的一部分。
There is no report data in the body of the presentation data or in the bound item data. 演示数据或绑定项数据中没有显示任何报告数据。
The attachment contains the report data in text format in a file with the file name extension DOC. 附件以文本格式在文件中包含报告数据,文件扩展名为DOC。
These parameters are often used to filter the report data rows in some way. 这些参数常用于按某种方式过滤报告数据行。
You can specify grouping levels to control the order in which your report data is presented. 可以指定分组级别以控制报告数据出现的顺序。
Then you draw the bar graphs seen in Figure 1, by iterating over the report data. 然后,您通过迭代报告数据,绘制图1中的柱状图。
The report data is available as part of the body of the presentation data in HTML format. 这种报告数据使用HTML格式显示在演示数据体中。
The data for generating reports in DataQuant can be produced directly with SQL/ XML queries, much like SQL queries are used to produce report data from traditional relational columns. DataQuant中用来生成报告的数据可以直接使用SQL/XML查询获得,与从传统关系列生成报告数据的SQL查询非常相似。
ERP Non-ALV Embedded in email The report data is delivered only as an attachment. ERP非ALV内嵌在电子邮件中这种报告数据只作为附件发送。
The second is to write a program primarily in C, then use embedded Lua as a way to store and report data and configuration. 第二种方法是主要用C编写一个程序,然后使用嵌入的Lua来存储和报告数据和配置。
XPages development generally relies on two legacy design elements: forms to define data and views to report data. XPages开发通常依赖于两个传统设计元素:用于定义数据的表单和用于报告数据的视图。
ERP ALV Embedded in email The report data is available in HTML format in the body of the presentation data. ERPALV内嵌在电子邮件中这种报告数据使用HTML格式显示在演示数据体中。
This section describes two techniques you can use to customize a BIRT report so that the user can specify the sort order for the report data. 本节描述定制BIRT报告的2个技巧,使用户可以指定报告数据的排序顺序。
The report data is not made available as part of the body of the presentation data. 报告数据不能作为演示数据体的一部分。
The bound item data contains the report data in XHTML format. 绑定项数据以XHTML格式包含报告数据。
Any links or images in the report data are not available in the HTML. 报告数据中的任何链接或图像都无法用HTML打开。
Any links or images as part of the report data are not made available as part of the body of the presentation data. 报告数据中的链接或图像都不能在演示数据体中获得。
The report data is available as an attachment with the MHT file name extension. 报告数据可以从文件扩展名为MHT的附件中获得。
Users can also request report data based on these parameters. 用户还可以根据这些参数请求报告数据。
You can adjust the size and location of the report objects, the format of the report data, and other visual properties of the report within the Design view. 您可以在Design视图内调整报告对象的大小和位置、报告数据的格式,以及其他可视的报告属性。
The calculation task for report data is accomplished by a user-defined formula, thus simplifying the program modification and maintenance. 采用用户自定义计算公式的方式来完成报表数据的计算任务,简化了程序的修改、维护。
Demonstrates how to use the DataGridView control to report data entry errors to the user. 演示如何使用datagridview控件向用户报告数据输入错误。
They navigate the reporting model to select report items and set constraints to filter the report data. 他们可导航报表模型来选择报表项,并设置约束条件筛选报表数据。
Third, I am asking all programmes to collect and report data disaggregated by sex. 第三,我们要求各项规划在搜集和报告数据时都应按性别分类。
Because the report server processes report definitions in the same way regardless of the server mode you use, the report data and layout is unaffected by server mode. 因为无论使用何种服务器模式,报表服务器均以相同方式处理报表定义,因此报表数据和布局不受服务器模式的影响。
After you complete the wizard, performance report data will appear in the Server Management console. 完成向导后,将在服务器管理控制台中显示性能报告数据。
Because it is in JSON format, the profile report data can be viewed in any number of ways. 因为它使用JSON格式,所以分析报告有多种察看方法。
If you do not see that item on the menu, the report data source content type has not been registered. 如果在菜单上没有看到该项,说明报表数据源内容类型尚未注册。
Select the date range of the status report data that you want to view. 选择要查看的状态报告数据的日期范围。
When you manually create a report parameter and bind it to this field, users can filter report data by day of the week. 手动创建报表参数并将其绑定到该字段时,用户可以按每周工作日筛选报表数据。